
my relationship with Her: lessons from my body

I have little snapshots that flash through my mind… Writing notes to a beloved friend asking her if I’m “fat” on our way to a youth camp, and her incredibly gracious response of “you just haven’t outgrown your baby fat.” (Even though I thought, “Who still has baby fat in the 8 th grade?”) Sunday, February 1, 2004, when I said no to bagels at coffee fellowship hour at church as I was starting the South Beach diet. Having the boy I was in love with in high school pick me up as part of the end of our show choir 50s music medley and flirting with an eating disorder to lose weight faster so I wouldn’t feel him straining to pick me up. Spending 2 hours at the gym Freshman year of college as many days as possible. Dieting before college graduation. Gaining 20 lbs during my year in Tulsa. Trying a new diet going into my second year of seminary. Gaining 15 lbs between graduating from seminary and starting in Williamsburg. Dropping weight. Gaining weight. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat....

An Introduction to Rachel and "A"



“A” and I are two very, very different people, but who have very, very similar passions. “A” is the extrovert to my introvert, but my naturally high energy helps me to meet him at that extroverted level. “A” uses a small strip of paper with a flow chart to preach his sermons, and I have a full-blown manuscript, but both of us care deeply for challenging and pushing the church to grow in different ways. “A” can lead overarching visioning in his sleep, and I love talking about the nit-picky details. “A” can always see the big picture with the help of his many spreadsheets, and I have big ideas that I want us to start doing RIGHT NOW…and always end up needing “A” and his spreadsheets to present the realistic time frame. “A”’s big question that he’s always asking is, “Why?”, and my question that I’m always asking is a variation on, “So what? /How?” Perhaps it will come as no surprise then that a) our launching with my first blog ( here ) and “A’s” blog held in conversation ( here ) r...

I’m Done Waiting On You

I was ready to meet my mate in high school, when I first learned what the term “high school sweethearts” meant. Yet as high school flew by with no dates, I was certain that college would hold meeting Mr. Right, but I needed to do everything right and follow all the advice given from my various evangelical “Christian” beliefs. Blog articles I consumed contained titles like “Twelve Things All Christian Girls Need to Do to Prepare for Their Husband,” or “What Christian Men Are Looking for in a Christian Wife.” Despite all my research, college yielded nothing, so I started soaking in the advice from family, friends, church members, leaders, and more: “Marry your best friend.” Yeah, seeing as all of my best male friends are gay or married, that’s pretty much a no go . “I prayed about it.” “I had given up on dating and marriage. I was ready to be single for the rest of my life.” Done that about a thousand times as I’ve been on all of two dates in my 29 years of life (OK fou...