I’m Done Waiting On You
I was ready to meet my mate in high school, when I first learned what the term “high school sweethearts” meant. Yet as high school flew by with no dates, I was certain that college would hold meeting Mr. Right, but I needed to do everything right and follow all the advice given from my various evangelical “Christian” beliefs. Blog articles I consumed contained titles like “Twelve Things All Christian Girls Need to Do to Prepare for Their Husband,” or “What Christian Men Are Looking for in a Christian Wife.” Despite all my research, college yielded nothing, so I started soaking in the advice from family, friends, church members, leaders, and more: “Marry your best friend.” Yeah, seeing as all of my best male friends are gay or married, that’s pretty much a no go . “I prayed about it.” “I had given up on dating and marriage. I was ready to be single for the rest of my life.” Done that about a thousand times as I’ve been on all of two dates in my 29 years of life (OK fou...
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